What is power in a corrupt system? It doesn’t seem safe, like holding a bag of cash in public. Passersby don’t know what’s in the bag, but you do… If they knew... They’d jack it and you’d be so fucked! It’s straight up stress… Sometimes the stress is worthwhile and sometimes it is not…Not all stress is the same, so time to get picky or pickier…

Powerful people spend lots of time and energy maintaining and protecting their power, which seems fleeting. Protection from something can become it’s own prison. Protection can do an Uno reverse and take your life, a la Selena.

Do power struggles always end in fisticuffs? Seems like it. Seems like everyone’s living in different false realities. If the masses can be swayed because they’re shallow and bigoted. Why bother with power? Is that nihilistic? Maybe… Am I wrong? Do we detect any mentiras? Let’s make extra sure we’re not lying to ourselves…

So let’s “pretend” we all have the same amount of power, inherently, because we’re alive and we’ve made it this far, so far… What do we do with that power? How do you know how much you have?

When someone is abusing their power. My power rustles within me… like I want to fight. Is that power? Or is that Ego? My family never let me have an ego. It’s dangerous for a Mexican to have a big ego in America.

In Texas, a big ego’s expected. CONUNDRUM. Code switch que?

I never know what to do with intense feelings… I don’t want to abuse my power too. Abuse doesn’t seem to end well… In my experience, abusive people end up dying young by accident, or having strokes or getting cancer or murdered.

We follow societal norms and organizational rules to get along peacefully. If you pay attention, you’ll realize that all these rules diminish the individual for the sake of the group. We’re social creatures, I get it, but what is the group doing? Are they using their collective power for the collective good? Or are they doing some fascist shit to serve their collective Ego?

In my experience, sticking to your truth keeps you from melding into groupthink... Hopefully your truth’s in alignment with reality. There are people with fabricated truths. In America, those people are usually Gringos—lost in their soci0-economic bubble, not in the real world and it’s consequences.

They tend to abuse their power because, for them it’s a path of least resistance. It’s too easy for them to be abusive… That needs to change. For them to really see us, they have to feel us, but I don’t want them to feel pain (around me or loved ones). They seem to handle pain poorly, same with stress…They haven’t had the practice, good for them. Sigh Otra CONUNDRUM.

People will call me racist and those people are usually racists, so… I don’t know what to do man, I can only speak to what I’m seeing… We all have power, because we do things…

Do the Thing and Get the Power.

The thing I am trying to do, is to get physically fit and maintain that fitness so I can outrun a mob. I talk so much shit, it creates a lot of energy. And the people want it… And I don’t have enough for everybody… Or do I? Stay tuned… We’ll find out.

In the past, running was an escape, and I overdid it... I’m tired of running, literally and figuratively. I keep my gym membership and rarely go… Lately, I’ve been lifting weights at home, and getting hurt and tired. Progressing and regressing… It’s been an emotional battle.

My desire to not be pre-diabetic makes me want to get back to running. While I do consider myself healthy and bonitacon masa linda. The similarities between my body shape and the body shape of the pre-diabetic models in the pre-diabetes medication commercials, are... Hmm. Too close for comfort because Dad died connected to a dialysis machine. Not because of vanity… okay a little bit because of vanity.

Up next… I share my workout videos… they are so hard to make… because working out is so boring. I have been doing it all my life. I have also been eating shit tons of crap too… So, it’s all balanced out to zero… PERFECT! We are… after all, starting over… AGAIN!

Love you mucho, thank you for your time and attention… Besos y Abrazos.


Pain into Power